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Doing housework 初中生做家务英语作文

来源:抄写作文网 发布时间:2023-06-16 23:24:42


抄写作文网小编为大家提供Doing housework 初中生做家务英语作文来供大家参考,欢迎阅读。

Doing housework

I think each member of family must do housework . It is our responsibility . Because our parents are so tired that they don`t want to do anything . But they still keep on doing housework . It is for us . I thank my parents for them raising me . So I must do something I can do.

I like to do housework . It makes me happy . I often wash the dishes ,sweep the floor ,take out the trash and so on . I remember the first time . I did housework in Grade Four. Because I have free time . And I want to feel my parents` hardship . So I started to do that . At first . I feel very bored . But my mother comforted me carefully . Then I gradually do that seriously .

The feeling makes me understand my parents` hardship .And I become more and more skilled in doing housework . My parents feel gratified . They think that it`s a necessary experience . And I want to do more things for my parents . If you don`t do it ,then you start to do it .Come on ! Nothing for nothing .




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